Oh dear :-)

I think we can all tell who is the villain, and who is the hero in this little tale Chris.

Cry a bit harder.

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Walz’s governorship speaks for itself. Fiddling while Minneapolis burned, promoting neighbors to snitch on one another with the COVID hotline, putting tampon dispensers in boys’ bathrooms in schools. We could go on but what’s the point. Walz is a hack and Shapiro is the superior choice but Walz is safe for all the pro Hamas voters.

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Yes the truth about his fiddling is coming out. So sorry for you. Low IQ and no common sense. You must be a Communist like him and Kamala.

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You’re ranting as if you’re high or inebriated.

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The "cry a bit harder" is the pitiful war cry of a feminized boy who grew up without a father in the home.

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This is a very weird comment.

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I see what you did there.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

The final line of the piece conveys the standard Republican kicker:

"Sure, we both played our roles for our particular political advantages, but Gov. Walz's doing this was somehow not as legitimate as what I did out of fear of Karl Rove."

I would posit that the general GOP point of view (as exemplified so-stunningly by Pres. George W. Bush) could be written as, "We've already got our advantages, and we reasonably believe it's in the best interest of the country if we get to keep them."

Lower-middle-income Americans, and others whose standings have been made continually worse by the Republican political/economic matrix going back to Pres. Reagan's first inauguration, can stand off to the side, watch their rancor grow—and blame it all on the Democrats!


(($; -)}™


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Seems to me the last four years have proven which political group has hurt lower-middle-income Americans.

In fact, how can you point the finger at the Republican Party when Democrats have had the presidency 8 of the last 12 years and of those years the best years for the lower-middle-class Americans were during Trump’s presidency. You need to reevaluate your beliefs and the facts.

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I don’t imagine I could say a thing to affect your views, but I wish I could.

(1) One key mistake (based on our statement, “presidency 8 of the last 12 years) is in believing our president makes more of a difference in these matters than is actually the case.

(2) A second mistake is a limited understanding of how the two, leading parties have comported themselves in relation to law-making and in relation to compromise, which attribute is fundamental to a working democracy. (Here, I would argue that the Republican Party has been BOTH worse for lower-middle-class AND less-visible about it.

(3) Your assessment of “the best years for the lower-middle-class” likely come to you from a specific set of sources which share an agenda: to make the Republican side of our government look better than it is.

(4) You recommend that I “need to reevaluate [my] beliefs and the facts.” I do this on a continual basis, knowing how easy it is to find people boosting My side and trashing the Other Side. Virtually no legitimate source exists that supports any view of actual Good that Mr. Trump did on behalf of the American people, let alone the larger world.

But you and I need not debate this here: facts are facts, and as long as you feel confident that your “facts” bear a reasonable relationship to reality, then I don’t see us as having anything more, good, to say to each other.

Keep your eyes and ears open. (Notice, for example, what happens to the income-tax “cuts” Mr. Trump and GOP pushed for lower-middle-income and wealthy/corporate tax payers. If you learn more about this, you can get a better idea of how one political party does an exceptional job of playing “hide the benefit-pea under the other basket.”)

Thanks for your thoughtful comment on mine.


(($; -)}™


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Karl Rove a RINO and You a Communist it’s called the UNIPARTY.

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Would that not more, but ALL eyes be opened to the truth about the snake, Walz

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It's clear that people on the pro-Trump, anti-Rule-of-Law Republican side of our American political divide form their judgements, not on how people such as Gov. Walz and Mr. Trump lead their lives, but on how effectively they lie. To disparage a good American citizen such as Gov. Walz, a person with some 24-yars of military service, plus sports coaching and political contributions, is a thing that anyone in America can do on the Internet. All it takes is a lack of adequate factual information and an adequate lack of shame.


(($; -)}™


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So easy to call names of any who Ishtar see life from a different perspective…..which is a win for the dark side of life —- keep,people,divided,and they will never choose to be untied…. being proven again and again. 😔

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This latest comment of yours seems to agree with mine, in contrast to your prior post. In your "prior post," you refer to Gov. Tim Walz as "the snake." Here, you say, "So easy to call names..." I imagine the difference between the two views makes sense to you, but it leaves me at a loss.


(($; -)}™


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I am confident of the increasingly accurate estimation of Mr Walz. He is a dangerous snake. Auto correct seems to have altered some of my words previously: “Ishtar”? and “keen” should have read ‘to keep people divided’, eventually they will forget what it was like to be unified…. Not constantly attacked and divided.

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I acknowledge the confidence in relation to the appraisal of Gov. Walz, but all the facts of his biography show that the mis-appraisal is wrong.

When someone holds a distorted vision of reality, others must wonder why that is. That is, some of us seek legitimate information (from a variety of sources, where possible and relevant), and then form views accordingly. But the person I'm here interacting with, instead takes a 24-year military veteran, coach, politician, father figure, with myriad testaments to his outstanding and beloved character, and publicly trashing him with little, if any, evidence.

If I didn't know better, I'd assume that my current disputant is either Russian or Russian-dysinformation influenced. And since I can't know better, well:

Gov. Walz is an unequivocally outstanding American citizen and anyone who says otherwise, without anything like factual evidence, "bears false witness." Which is a sin.


(($; -)}™


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What happened in 2000 and what happened in 2004?

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Well thanks for nothing……

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Thanks for the story. It will be retold to others!!!❤️🇺🇸👍♥️🙏♥️‼️

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The old saying applies here, "You can polish a turd but......."

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How does one let Substack know how not to send such shit along my way ?

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